Get Website Traffic With These Simple Content Marketing Tips

Content marketing is essential to get more website traffic. Content creation and sharing are about reaching a target audience and entertaining them. When executed and delivered correctly, it is an efficient way to identify your brand as a domain expert. Content that is original and relevant can generate leads, increase brand awareness, and in turn, increase traffic to your website (Hubspot, 2020) . Good content marketing can generate website traffic, and we shall share some simple content marketing tips in this article!

Content marketing is important

If you want to compete with the competition, content marketing has to be a top priority. This is true regardless of the industry or the products you offer. If you want to succeed as a business in the long run, you need to stay relevant in the eyes of the customer. As a small business, you might feel that you can’t afford to waste time creating content. In order to create content, it is essential to understand the user needs – and one can do so by creating a user persona. 

Sometimes – all you gotta do is just ask!

One way to get user feedback is to conduct surveys or polls to find out what users want – like using Instagram Polls on the Story placement (Outcry, 2019). Polls usually have multiple choice options that will enable you to obtain the information you need. You can ask them what kind of products they want to buy, how much they are willing to pay for them, and so on.

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What is content marketing?

Content marketing is any action done that adds value to the online content that you are creating. The term comes from the words “value-added” or “added-value.” It can include both text and video content and the content can include product or event descriptions, and customer reviews. Once content is created, it needs to be promoted. 

How can you optimize content marketing? 

There are six essential components to content marketing: 

  1. Create original and relevant content 
  2. Offer value to your target audience 
  3. Build a loyal audience 
  4. Get them to share your content 
  5. Build your online presence to drive traffic to your site 
  6. Create content that connects with your audience and offers them value. Do this by using social media, video and podcasts.
Why is content marketing important?

The one thing that all online marketing strategies have in common is that traffic is the main goal. Content marketing is important to get more traffic to your website because it is the primary way to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. Web traffic is among the top two most-common measurements of success for content marketing strategies (Hubspot, 2021). 

Just as important, according to, is the fact that many of those same people are satisfied with the content they get from the search engines (Forbes, 2020). If you can create some top quality content, people will see it and your site will rank higher on those search engines. If people find your site, the more likely they are to click on it and return again.

Get more website traffic with these content marketing tips

Choosing the best category

When creating content, you must ensure you choose the right category for your blog that would appeal to your target audience. Customers are the best source of topics. It’s here that user personas become important. The purpose of your user personas is to identify the needs and goals of your users. It is important to always address these two topics in your content. Readers are more likely to visit your website and hang around if they are interested in your chosen topic and feel that your information has helped or added value to their lives in some form. You can read more about our article on user persona here.

Provide a solution to a market need

Provide information that your readers didn’t know about on your website in order to make it more relevant. It might mean creating a website tailored to a specific niche, but you must ensure the content has value for the reader. If your content might be seen as giving away a ‘product,’ it won’t be viewed as useful. Identify what kind of content is missing from your website by doing a competitor analysis or a content gap analysis.

Finding weaknesses in your strategy and filling them with outstanding content will improve your SEO and build your website authority, which will lead to more traffic to your website, more customers and potentially new leads (Search Engine Journal, 2021). As soon as you do, you’ll know exactly how to produce great content at the right time and for the right reasons.

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Content is never dead

Blogs and websites should be updated every day.  You can create new content by repurposing old ones. So long as it is updated, it will remain current and keep your brand relevant. You don’t have to completely disappear from search engine results or old links just because you haven’t featured content for a while. Content that is good will continue to attract attention and Google rewards fresh content.  Tips to get people to continue browsing on your site? Include a quiz or giveaway in your blog posts. Your visitors will be more likely to stay on your site.

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Instead of having the cart before the horse, you should start with defining a content strategy. Prioritize your various marketing initiatives and find ways to blend them with a content strategy. The correct content marketing mix should comprise content marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization and display advertising.

In addition to clear goals, see if a particular topic on your blog or social media feed took off, so you know if the piece was a success. A content strategy that is continuously tweaked will help you achieve your goals and measure the success of each topic.