Ways to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business


Social media is a great way to reach your audience, and through that, grow your business! 

There are 3.78 billion social media users in the world, and 4.88 million in Singapore alone (Statista, 2020). An effective social media strategy should be put in place to not just growing your social media followers. It can be a way to communicate updates on new products, engage with your audience and drive traffic to your e-commerce stores. Quality content in your social media feed attracts and retain attention and high-quality content is the key to getting your business noticed.

Why should you use social media to grow your business?

Increase your conversion rate 

Social media is an opportunity to get people talking about your products. It’s also a great opportunity for your business to receive exposure from brand new customers. A study by Global Web Index in 2018 showed that 54% of social browsers use social media to research new products (Global Web Index, 2018). 73% of marketers believe that social media marketing is “somewhat effective” for their business (Buffer, 2019). 

Engage with your customers

A social media profile gives you a platform to interact with your audience in real-time. Many customers rely on social media to research new products before they buy them. With this in mind, it’s best to offer interesting and engaging product updates in your feed. As the saying goes – go to where your customers are. Research from Facebook shows that global users aged 16-64 conduct their product research on social media before making a purchase action (Facebook, 2019).

Improve branding 

People love to see businesses that use interesting and engaging social media graphics. Having great social media graphic design will ensure your content stands out in a sea of other images. An image is the main focus of a blog post for some businesses. When selling a product, you might consider having a fantastic picture of the product in action on your blog feed.

Your image can be so captivating and interesting that readers and followers love it and may want to share it with their friends (thus increasing the brand awareness!).

Use images that captivate to get your followers attention

What should you post on social media to grow your business?

Use positive images in your marketing 

A great image that is positive and evocative of the content it highlights is a good place to start, but the content in the picture is equally important as how good the picture is. You should make sure the image reflects your brand’s vision, its mission statement, and its values, but remember people are drawn to other people: pictures with people gain more attention than pictures without. Research indicates that content has higher CTR when it is human-centred (VWO, 2021).

Shoot a lot of content on a consistent basis 

Social media will become a crucial part of your advertising strategy. So don’t be afraid to post regularly to keep your followers engaged. However, if you have less than 10,000 followers on your business page, Hubspot advises that you post selectively (3 times a week is ideal over twice daily!) and value quality over quantity (Hubspot, 2020).

Don’t be generic 

The key to successful social media marketing is to keep it genuine. The ability to be genuine and to create authentic content can foster the bond between brands and customers and enhancing the brand’s popularity. Customers want to feel like they can relate to your business and your mission. A social media feed is often the first impression of a brand. The more authentic the content, the more likely your customers are to engage with it (Linkedin, 2018).


How to use social media to grow your business?

  1. Use influencers 

By tapping into the influencer industry, you can effectively market your business and reach a large amount of your target audience. Engage reputable social media influencers who have a high following and have a loyal following of their own. You can create a strategy that focuses on getting a large number of followers, or you can just focus on getting your audience to a certain amount of followers.


2. Use good content 

Since social media is a platform that takes advantage of the user’s attention span, the best strategy is to create great content that gets people interested and get them to explore your website. If you want your images to truly reach your target audience, you have to share images that they will find interesting. Pictures of families with children aren’t a good idea if you’re targeting university males. Rather than knowing what visuals resonate with your audience, you should learn which ones do.



To successfully integrate social media into your business, make sure you have a website with a responsive design and a well-integrated, professional marketing strategy. Prepare your sales pitches just as carefully as you develop your visual brand identity if you want to stand out. Your brand will have a longer life span if you are consistent and use images and content in your social media feed that communicate your marketing message.

Learn more about small business marketing in Singapore by using social media by reaching out to us. To learn more about social media marketing and how we can help your business, click here.